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Finding Nocturnal Animals

As of recently, there have been some brand new creatures hiding within the darkness in Jamaa - that’s right, nocturnal animals! Specifically at night, these animals come out around Animal Jam and whilst you can discover some cool new facts about them you can also receive some unique items. I would like to say a big thank you to fullmoonbunny for their research on the particular locations of these animals and the images of them, which has helped me massively in writing this article. Want to know how to find these animals and win some epic items? Read on! 

The first thing you must know about these nocturnal animals is that they only come out at night, so once Jamaa has faded with the night skies, that’s the time to go  begin the search! Another important thing you must know is the types of animals which appear and from the latest reports from many of the jammers around the community it seems there are: bats, crickets, octopuses, centipedes, moths and opossums. These creatures can appear all around Jamaa but be aware, they can be difficult to find. If you happen to find one, make sure to click on it to receive a mysterious gift!

Using a flying animal, such as an eagle or flying fox, can help your search to be more effective and successful as you can get a full view of the land and fly to the places higher up, because it’s not just on the ground they appear! However, these animals are quite small and difficult to see so you will need a good eye for detail. Don’t worry though if you are struggling, usually many jammers look for these too so make sure to be looking at the chat or invite your buddies to help you out. If you hear some jammers enthusiastically spamming the chat saying “Octopus alert!” or “I found Batman!” then you can assure yourself there is at least one jammer who knows, well we can hope, can’t we?

Patience is very important in this because you may have to wait 10 minutes or more to find one of these animals. It’s not just every few minutes! The thing is, they may only stay around for a few minutes so you have to be speedy - seriously, it’s like they’re in a rush to get to their next location! It’s true that the waiting can be boring but when your with your buddies or the other jammers around it can make the time go much faster as well as making it a much more of an enjoyable experience. Especially when you get some of the super stylish accessories - maybe some more than others though.

So many rewards still are rumoured to have still remained unknown but from what we all know of so far you can get some nocturnal animal items. Such as, nocturnal moth glasses or nocturnal centipede helmet and many more! There is also a collection of “glow in the dark” themed items that jammers have been rewarded from these animals as well as nocturnal paintings of the specific animals. I am sure there are plenty more items to be won though, so grab your torches and go investigating! 

Is there a more specific way that each of these particular animals appear though? Well here is the latest information:

  • Bats: Hides in dark spaces and rocks and high above ground.

  • Centipede: Moves around objects, on large rocks/buildings.

  • Cricket: On rocks, grass or building surfaces but stays to the ground.

  • Moth: Near the light (campfires, torches, store entrances).

  • Octopus: Within the water.

  • Opossum: Hangs by its tail on plants, trees and more. 

Good luck with your searching!