Masterpiece Monday #14

Hello there! I’m King, and today I’ll be showcasing four awesome pieces today. Les get started, shall we?


I adore this Warrior Cats inspired piece by gubec! The lineart is phenomenal, and the flowing fur and loving really takes the cake here.


Splovacatopancakes has made this awesome arctic fox artwork! The style is amazing, and I love the text! Overall, this is a very well done piece.


Our third piece by Violin109 is amazing! The outline makes the wolf pop, and the colored lines give the piece another dimension. 


Finally, we have gaid5’s awesomely adorable artwork. I love the color palette,  and the anatomy is great!

If you’d like your piece shown here, don’t be afraid to email it to us via with the title of Masterpiece Monday Submission. Thanks for submitting! 

Anyways, that’s all for today. Farewell, and have an amazing week! 
